Lesson 4: All About the Papers

  • Due No due date
  • Points 5
  • Questions 5
  • Time Limit None


paper help

This lesson is all about the papers—how to submit your assignments, access writing coach comments on them, revise and save them, even how to print them is you so desire. 


Submitting Assignments

The video below will walk you through the step-by-step process of submitting papers.

Please note that the acceptable formats for assignments are the following: DOC, DOCX, and PDF. Be sure your papers are in one of these formats before submitting them. The file name should end in .doc, .docx, or .pdf. If you are using Google docs or Pages (an Apple produce), you must click SAVE AS and select one of these formats. If your paper's file name ends in .pages, it will not submit correctly.

Also, remember: Never click to RESUBMIT an assignment unless you get express permission from your writing coach. Resubmitting assignments replaces the previously submitted paper. If your writing coach has already marked and graded that draft, you no longer have access to his/her comments. Every assignment is explained each week and has its own place to be submitted on the syllabus. 

Accessing Coach Feedback

A week after your paper's due date, your paper will be returned with comments from your writing coach. Don't look for them earlier than this, even if you submitted your paper early. The video below will walk you through how to access the feedback from your writing coach. 


Revising, Re-submitting, and Organizing Papers

This video shows you one way to use your coach's feedback to revise and improve your papers. Mrs. Wasko also shows you a recommended way to organize and file your papers on your computer. 

Remember, there is a place to submit each week's assignment in the syllabus. Never RESUBMIT and assignment unless you get permission from your writing coach. 


Printing Papers with Coach Feedback

If you'd like to have a hard copy of your work that includes the notes from your writing coach, here's how to do that. 

Click here to go to Lesson 5: Grades and the Assessment Rubric

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